The Hardest Times

Are you struggling with your mindset, Mama?

It can ABSOLUTELY be a challenge when you’re in the trenches of motherhood.

It was definitely a struggle for me when my girls were “littles”.

I was sleep deprived.

Everyone was touching me.


(Physical touch is at the bottom of my love languages.)

Below I’m holding Faith, she’s 3 years old and Sarah is 1 year old.

I had 4 girls 6 years old and under.

This is my mom, Audrey Ullrey with the four girls the week Sarah was born.

From L to R is Grace, Grandma Audrey, baby Sarah, Naomi and Faith.

Often Our House Looked Like The Aftermath Of A Hurricane!

This is also the age that I was putting in massive time training the kiddos manners, how to clean up,  do chores, and more, all while I was nursing a baby or changing a diaper.

I want to take a moment to give you a high five!

You’re doing great at this mom thing.

Give yourself a pat on the back. Keep up the good work.

You might not hear this often enough!

I understand that as a mom, sometimes you feel unseen or even flat out unappreciated.

Just know that the skills you are teaching and the time you take to snuggle your kiddo a little longer is worth it and appreciated even if they don’t voice it. 

The Love You Demonstrate Will Impact Generations.

Don’t freak out, I know we all have those times where we have ‘lost it’  with our kids over little things and we don’t want to think about how those times will impact generations!

However, I know that after I’ve completely lost it with my kiddos but later I went back to them to apologize and ask for their forgiveness, it changed us all.

This will leave a lasting impact because even though I’m an adult I admitted to them that I was wrong.

I’m human and I make mistakes but then I modeled to them what to do when they make mistakes too.

It’s important to remember that the stage you’re in isn’t going to last forever.

Whatever Stage You’re In Will Pass All Too Quickly.

So often people would tell me how fast my kids would grow up.

I would smile and nod.

(Thinking to myself…..yesterday was like a week long. James had to work late, I had no adult conversation and every fluid that could come out of those small bodies all over me, did. )

I would say, “I’m sure you’re right, but it doesn’t feel quick right now.”

Now, all of a sudden, I’m in a new season.

My youngest of the five is turning 8 years old in June. What?!

I have three teens and all that time training them in their behavior, habits, and chores has paid off.

In very little time they can have the house cleaned, dinner on the table, and finish their own laundry with the proper motivation of tech time, fun movies, and of course having a friend over.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s five of them so the hurricane scene still graces our house often.

It’s different though, because now they all know how to clean up and it can get clean as fast as it was destroyed.

Rachel is still at the age that she can single handedly destroy the house on her own.

She is growing up fast, catching on quickly and is pretty proud that she’s learning to do her own laundry at a younger age than the others did!

Already I look back and think, “Wow, that did go fast.”

Some Of The Hardest Times Of My Life.

Back when they were all small was some of the hardest times of my life.

There were many factors to it being a hard season, not just them being small.

Unfortunately what happened to me was I lost my focus on being grateful.

I could plainly see all the negative things everywhere around me.

I lamented over them.

Why was this parenting thing so hard?

Why are our finances always beyond tight?

When will this baby be done teething so I can put her down for a “body break”?

The list would go on and on.

(I recently learned that why questions are ‘victim’ questions.

Instead I can ask myself, “What does this mean for me and what do I get to do about it?”)

It’s amazing, when I began to focus on everything that was good I had a major shift.


The key was that I had to be consistent with listing all I was grateful for every day.

This is how I changed what was programed into my subconscious mind.

We act from our subconscious mind and, from our actions are our results.

I was incredibly unhappy because I was consistently thinking and feeding into my mind the negative.

Over time I was able to mostly eliminate that bad habit and change my thinking on a subconscious level.

Everyday It’s A Choice I Get To Make.

The more I practiced gratitude the more permanent it became.

Do I slip every now and then?

Yes, I am human.

The great thing is, it takes far less time to get back on track each time I make the effort to change my attitude or mindset.

What I’ve been learning recently in my courses and through coaching is to continually be pouring good info in and that repetition is key.

Find a book that is helping you grow and read it over and over again to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Could You Use A Mindset Coach Too?

It’s made an incredible impact in my life.

One source for great mindset and practical life application is the Matrix Mindset Academy.

The coach, Brian Dalmaso goes live every day and gives great content on mindset.

Not only that, he gives daily action steps.

Many times he speaks on business because that is his life.

However, these are universal laws that he coaches on and can be applied to any area of life.

It’s been so fun going through all the business classes that I have and to look at it from under my “mom hat” and know that what I’ve learned is so applicable to motherhood.

Coaching Is Loaded With Benefits!

I get tons of  value from Brain’s daily ‘lives’!

Now I want to share it with you.

As with anything, view it as a buffet and take what you like and need and leave the rest.

No matter what he’s speaking on, you can apply it to your business, job, health, raising kids or building strong relationships.

Click Matrix Mindset Academy to see what it can do for you.

Bonus, his daily coaching is short and to the point.

Perfect for moms who have little down time!!

What are you struggling with most?

Leave a comment below. 

Let us rally around each other and share our burdens and joys!

Motherhood is a blessed journey that we can enjoy together.

Blessing on your week!


  1. N Susan Ayer on April 26, 2019 at 1:53 pm

    Great honest post. I remember when I made that shift from victim to victor! So enpowering to make a choice of life not death each day. So important what we put in our minds.

    • Karen Ayer on April 27, 2019 at 10:46 pm

      Yes and Yes! So very important.